Sunteti pe pagina de contact a site-ului nostru. Mai jos aveti un formular ce se adreseza persoanelor ce vor sa ia legatura cu noi.
Pentru orice sugestie, ajutor sau chiar feedback… nu ezistati sa ne contactati! Am atasat si in dreapta jos un livechat pentru cine doreste sa poarte o convorbire directa cu noi.
Nota. In unele situatii email-urile trimise de catre dumneavoastra ajung in folderul Spam. Pentru a urgenta legatura directa cu noi va recomandam sa ne contactati pe live chat-ul din josul paginii. Daca suntem offline ne puteti lasa un mesaj cu un nr de Whatsapp unde va puteam contacta.
You are on the contact page of our website. Below you have a form addressed to people who want to contact us.
For any suggestion, help or even feedback… don’t hesitate to contact us! I have also attached a live chat in the bottom right for those who want to have a direct conversation with us.
Notes. In some situations, the emails sent by you end up in the Spam folder. To expedite the direct contact with us, we recommend you to contact us on the live chat at the bottom of the page. If we are offline, you can leave us a message with a Whatsapp number where we can contact you.
Our Location: Liverpool, United Kingdom
Please enter your contact details and a short message below and I will try to answer your query as soon as possible.